Transfer Utilities to Your Name

TLDR: Call about transferring utilities once your final settlement date has been set. 

A couple of weeks before your closing date, we recommend calling utility providers and scheduling their service. Depending on the condition of the property and whether it's been vacant for any length of time, you may have to make an appointment for a utility representative to come out and turn a meter on. You'll want to prepare in advance if you plan to move in right away.

Here's a list of common types of utility services:

If you’re concurrently selling or your lease is up on another property you’re renting, you’ll also need to transfer utilities out of your name for that property. It's wise to wait to coordinate with utility providers until some of the major contingencies, such as the inspection and appraisal, are satisfied and you have a concrete close date that you can provide to the utility providers. This will avoid any wasted effort if the sale falls through.


Start contacting utility providers sooner rather than later. Most providers allow you to register immediately but begin service at a later date. Some will require you to schedule an appointment for a representative to inspect the house before turning their utility on. It’s better to call ahead of time so that you aren't stuck without power or water upon move-in.

Don't Forget!

Here's a friendly reminder to complete some other tasks before or shortly after you move:

How do I know which utility companies to contact?

Ask the seller which service providers they currently use, and whether any utilities are included in the HOA or Condo fees if the property is part of an association. You can also ask your new neighbors what they currently use–a great way to introduce yourself!

What happens if the service provider I want to use doesn't service the house?

Typically the answer to this question isn't one that buyers want to hear. It can be exorbitantly expensive (think $5,000-$10,000) to bring cable or internet to a location that isn't already serviced. It's advisable to research whether the property is serviceable by your preferred utility companies before you close, or better still, before making the offer, since a situation like lack of internet could be a dealbreaker if you work from home.