
TLDR: Link your calendar so that buyers can schedule showings and see your property. 

What should I know about showings? 

You’ll need to link your calendar in order to provide your availability. When a buyer looks at your property online and requests a showing, it will only show the days and times that you’ve provided. Keep in mind that it’s common for buyers to look at properties on nights and weekends, so restricting your availability to bank hours will limit the number of buyers who can see your property. 

When buyers request a showing, you’ll be sent a text and calendar invitation.

Showings are scheduled for 30 minutes. 

Tip: It’s Showtime!

This is the time to shine! Make sure your house is clean and smells nice when buyers arrive. 

Fun Fact

Providing your availability online will ensure that it’s buyers, not agents, who are scheduling time to see your property. As Aloha My Home becomes more robust, we’ll allow you to request a pre-approval letter in order to see your property. 

A Word of Caution about Declining or Canceling Showings

Declining or canceling showings results in a bad experience for buyers. We understand that emergencies sometimes come up, but too many cancellations will result in a lower ranking in our search platform. If possible, reschedule showings instead of declining or canceling them.