
TLDR: If your property doesn't look like a garbage dump, hire a photographer.

Should I hire a photographer to take professional photos? 

Photographers ensure that rooms look as large as possible, correct the lighting, remove unsightly items, and stage it to the best of their ability within their constraints (photographers won't clean the house for you, but they tidy individual spaces before photographing them). These days, most buyers won't walk through a property that doesn't have photos on the listing. Having quality photos can make the difference between tons of traffic through your property and minimal to no traffic. Alluring photos can also attract buyers who may not be totally convinced of the property (yet!) but who could be impressed by the neighborhood upon driving through. For this reason, we recommend hiring a photographer after you've completed any repairs, cleaned, and staged. Photography is the final step before listing your property for sale. 


“We once had a buyer come to an open house who exclaimed, ‘Your photographer is amazing because the yard isn’t nearly as big as it looked in the photos.’ Despite that comment, he liked the house enough to buy it. Great photos can really get people in the door!”

What are some tips if I want to take the photos myself? 

*sigh* If you must take photos yourself, remove all clutter, trash, and general "stuff" for each picture to the best of your ability. Buyers don't want to see the type of shampoo you're using or the photo of your child in 3rd grade while they're trying to imagine their own items in your property. Ensure the rooms are well lit by opening all curtains and blinds, make surfaces shine as much as possible, and brighten photos even further with some light retouching. Did we mention you should remove all clutter, trash, and "stuff"?

For the sake of your security, we also recommend removing any valuables from photos. Properties that are on the market to be sold tend to be vacant–the perfect opportunity for thieves to make out like, well, bandits. 

Tip: Tidy, Tidy, Tidy

Regardless of whether you're taking the photos yourself or hiring someone to photograph your house:

How much can I expect to pay for photography? 

Standard costs for photography are $200-400 depending on the size of the house. 

Are there any circumstances when I shouldn't take photos?

If the property is in complete disrepair both inside and out, we'd recommend foregoing photographs. If the house is presentable from the outside, we recommend at least a photo of the front of the house. Most buyers won't take the time to view a property if they haven't seen at least a photo or two on the listing.